Michael brown was murdered a short distance away from his Ferguson, MO home by officer Darren Wilson on August 9th, 2014. Walking home with a friend from their local convienent store, both Brown and his friend were stopped by officer Darren Wilson for reasons that are still unknown. An altercation perspired between Wilson and Brown, and resulted in Brown being shot 8-times by officer Darren Wilson. Four shots were fired in his right arm, one in his eye, and one on the top of his skull. Rather than releasing the name of the officer responsible for the murder, St. Louis police released a surveillance tape of Brown allegedly robbing the convience store him and his friend had left prior to the shooting. It was later discovered that this surveillance tape had nothing to do with why Darren Wilson stopped the boys in the first place, as there was no phone call made by the store clerk to authorities. Michael Brown's body was left in the street for 4 1/2 hours following his murder.
Darren Wilson was not indicted for his crime.